Vision Intervention Program

Program from Learning Insights, a not for profit organization in Missouri, striving to screen children for vision problems, provide tutoring for them in schools, and refer the more severe cases to optometrist that look at vision from a broad perspective.

Location: Holts Summit, Missouri, United States

Monday, August 15, 2005

Thirty three Missouri Educators Trained

August 11th and 12th were the dates for the first ever, Vison Intervention Program Certified Screener training. Thirty three individuals from 10 school districts across the state were trained in how to consistently give five test to check students for vision challenges. Dr. David Pierce from Springfield, MO served as our Optometric director, while Dawn Mannon and Pam Hamlett from East Carter School District served as school vision experts. Michael Flynn organized and chaired the training event.

The educators received all the equipment necessary to conduct the trainings and were able to practice on each other and then screen students at an area day care center. Extended conversations were held following these screenings to discuss findings, how to score the various test, and differences in the students.

These certified screeners will begin the evaluation of their students in September 2005 with Dr. Pierce or Mr. Flynn providing oversight to assure consistency. They will the reconvene in late September to review findings, discuss areas that need additional information, and to determine how best to help students with vision challenges in their buildings.


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